Gratitude Creates Peak Performance
David George Brooke – “That Gratitude Guy” has the uncanny ability to illustrate and communicate the immense benefits of adopting an “attitude of gratitude.”
He has taken all of the elements in his Keynote address and put them into 18 video modules.
He reveals how a gratitude mindset can completely shift one’s view of life to one that focuses on their blessings and abundance.
This is a very interactive, humorous, and fun, course that includes high energy, exercises, and numerous takeaways to use in your everyday life at work and home.
By embracing the incredible power of gratitude, and by using simple exercises to break old habits and beliefs, attendees can re-form and re-focus their lives with much higher expectations.
Learning Objectives
*How gratitude can overcome any life-changing event or challenge.
*Exercises to maintain a more positive mindset.
*The benefits of a gratitude practice and a daily gratitude journal.
*Increased happiness, a better attitude, and higher self-esteem.
Be prepared to look at your life differently……